Speak Truth to Power

Thursday, June 14, 2018, 7:00 pm
Presented by Four Rivers Charter School. Directed by Leah Plath and featuring FRCS Juniors, this production will bring the struggle for dignity and human rights to the Pioneer Valley.

Students in Modern World History are currently in a study of contemporary human rights issues through participation in a theatrical performance. Students will be presenting Voices From Beyond the Dark, a play by Ariel Dorfman, highlighting injustices many people face worldwide. The performance is a reader’s theater, which means that the actors become experts at the nuances of the script but don’t need to worry about formal acting on stage. We have been working for the last month in English and History to prepare.

The Junior class will perform the play on Thursday, June 14, at 7:00pm at the Shea Theater in Turners Falls. The performance will be a fundraiser for The Traprock Center for Peace and Justice at GCC. The cost of entry will be on a sliding scale from $5-$15, though no one will be turned away. We hope you will attend, but keep in mind the intense content will be difficult for many, including younger viewers. Students will be shuttled from Four Rivers to The Shea and should be picked up at the theater at the end of the performance. They will be provided dinner that evening.

Please feel free to contact Mr. Wilson with any questions at awilson@fourriverscharter.org or at (413) 775-4577 ext. 303.

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors and Underwriters

Australis AquacultureArtisan Beverage CooperativeBenjamin CompanyBerkshire Brewing CompanyCohn and Company Real Estate AgencyCommunity CreditCommon CapitalCommunity Foundation of Western MassachusettsConnecticut River InternistsDean's BeansEasthampton Savings BankFirstLight GDF SueznaGill TavernGoff MediaGreat Falls HarvestGreen River FestivalGreenfield Community CollegeGreenfield Cooperative BankGreenfield Savings BankLootMassachusetts Cultural Council • Montague Bookmill Montague WebWorksNortheast SolarPeople's PintRainmaker ConsultingThe RendezvousSolar Store of GreenfieldStobierski and ConnorTold VideoTrue North TransitTurn It Up

Exciting News for A Happening IV: Leviathan

Cloudgaze and Eggtooth Productions are thrilled to announce that we have received a generous grant from the Markham-Nathan Fund for Social Justice to support our 2024 Immersive Arts Festival, “A Happening IV: Leviathan.”

This festival will transform the Shea Theater into an exploration of theme, hosting installations, music, theatrical performances, and movement pieces, featuring the collective contributions of over 30 local artists. Audiences will experience otherworldly environments and narratives inspired by folklore, fairy tales, horror motifs, American literature, and the mythos of the Old Testament, all of which delve into the central question guiding the festival: "What does it mean to encounter something greater than yourself and to be consumed by it?" Through this theme, we explore how a community reemerges and imagines itself after destruction and transformation.

With the support of the Markham-Nathan Fund, we are excited to create an event that complicates perspectives and fosters meaningful dialogue. We are grateful for this partnership and for the work of the Markham-Nathan Fund for Social Justice.

Thanks to the Mass Cultural Council for their vital support this year.We'd also like to thank the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts for their support in the form of a Flexible Funding grant. We couldn't do this work without you!