Friday, May 3, 2019, 8:00 pm
Featuring Special Guest: Sister Jawbone
"It takes audacity to start a song with questions as big and unanswerable as “Where did we come from? Who are we really?” But for Western Massachusetts duo Home Body, those kind of grand cosmic queries are totally natural, fitting snugly into music that digs deep and shoots for the stars. The soaring voice of Haley Morgan and the throbbing, hovering electronics of Eric Hnatow create songs that are always on the rise, grounded by cardiac beats but unafraid to fly into the sun.
On their ambitious second full-length record, 'Spiritus', Home Body ruminates on darkness, the light, and all the tiny intangible shifts that add up to transformation and change. Three years in the making, the self-produced album is lush with character and detail, displaying moments of ecstatic high energy melting into soft expansion, coaxed along by ghostly textured synths, momentum mounting, spirit settling. Romantic partners for over a decade and collaborators for almost as long, Morgan and Hnatow have been creatively telepathic for a while, and on 'Spiritus' their innate connections produce songs in which every joint and muscle works in consort. “The pieces of the puzzle fit together like voices,” Morgan sings in “Lightning,” succinctly describing the duo’s tightly-knit music.
Home Body aren’t afraid to sprawl, though. Their live performances are often dizzying spectacles featuring a home-made light show and elements of modern dance. 'Spiritus' may present only the audio portion of that two-person extravaganza, but in its wide arrangements, sharply-honed turns, and ever-ascending moods, Home Body’s music is as three dimensional as real life." (Marc Masters, 2019)
"SPIRITUS" will be released on vinyl, CD, and cassette April 26 2019 via Peace & Rhythm and FEEDING TUBE RECORDS. For more information :
With a nod to classic soul, gospel, rock and blues, Sister Jawbone's songs are the voice, plight and dreams of a contemporary American woman.
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Exciting News for A Happening IV: Leviathan
Cloudgaze and Eggtooth Productions are thrilled to announce that we have received a generous grant from the Markham-Nathan Fund for Social Justice to support our 2024 Immersive Arts Festival, “A Happening IV: Leviathan.”
This festival will transform the Shea Theater into an exploration of theme, hosting installations, music, theatrical performances, and movement pieces, featuring the collective contributions of over 30 local artists. Audiences will experience otherworldly environments and narratives inspired by folklore, fairy tales, horror motifs, American literature, and the mythos of the Old Testament, all of which delve into the central question guiding the festival: "What does it mean to encounter something greater than yourself and to be consumed by it?" Through this theme, we explore how a community reemerges and imagines itself after destruction and transformation.
With the support of the Markham-Nathan Fund, we are excited to create an event that complicates perspectives and fosters meaningful dialogue. We are grateful for this partnership and for the work of the Markham-Nathan Fund for Social Justice.
Thanks to the Mass Cultural Council for their vital support this year.We'd also like to thank the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts for their support in the form of a Flexible Funding grant. We couldn't do this work without you!