Harvest Jam with Bella's Bartok and the Gaslight Tinkers

Friday, October 7, 2016, 8:00 pm until 10:30 pm
Tickets: Advance sales have ended. We have room for more! $18 at the door, cash or check only. Doors open at 7:30 pm.

Celtic world beat meets modern pop klezmer when The Gaslight Tinkers team up with Bella's Bartok for a night of outrageous dance music.  Celebrate the fall harvest with this valley mini fest!

Often referred to as a modern-pop klezmer, the Bella’s Bartok’s sound moves way beyond that label, pushing the envelope towards the more eclectic side of the Eastern European style and forging a new pop sound as heard through the filter of 20th century fantasy and sci fi. Every show is filled with the exuberant joy of wildly energetic dancing. It's contagious. You simply cannot avoid it. When the circus-inspired sound of Bella's Bartok hits your ears, you are no longer in control. Their music makes everyone dance, regardless. From living rooms to concert halls, alleyways to weddings, the band's energy makes getting up and moving irresistible. Without fail, someone from the audience comes up after every single show and says the same thing: "I couldn't help it."

The Gaslight Tinkers' blend of global rhythms creates a joyously danceable sound around a core of traditional New England old time and celtic fiddle music, merging boundless positive energy with melody and song. Since its formation in 2012 the band has lit up the East Coast, the West Coast, and the Caribbean, headlining clubs, dances, and major festivals. Playing what The Valley Advocate describes as “Music that consistently fizzes and pops with unexpected textures and turns,” The Gaslight Tinkers’ shows are packed with delightful surprises, elated crowds, and exuberant musicianship. The sound and energy of Audrey, Jopey, Garrett, and Peter are universally irresistible.

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors and Underwriters

Australis AquacultureArtisan Beverage CooperativeBenjamin CompanyBerkshire Brewing CompanyCohn and Company Real Estate AgencyCommunity CreditCommon CapitalCommunity Foundation of Western MassachusettsConnecticut River InternistsDean's BeansEasthampton Savings BankFirstLight GDF SueznaGill TavernGoff MediaGreat Falls HarvestGreen River FestivalGreenfield Community CollegeGreenfield Cooperative BankGreenfield Savings BankLootMassachusetts Cultural Council • Montague Bookmill Montague WebWorksNortheast SolarPeople's PintRainmaker ConsultingThe RendezvousSolar Store of GreenfieldStobierski and ConnorTold VideoTrue North TransitTurn It Up

Exciting News for A Happening IV: Leviathan

Cloudgaze and Eggtooth Productions are thrilled to announce that we have received a generous grant from the Markham-Nathan Fund for Social Justice to support our 2024 Immersive Arts Festival, “A Happening IV: Leviathan.”

This festival will transform the Shea Theater into an exploration of theme, hosting installations, music, theatrical performances, and movement pieces, featuring the collective contributions of over 30 local artists. Audiences will experience otherworldly environments and narratives inspired by folklore, fairy tales, horror motifs, American literature, and the mythos of the Old Testament, all of which delve into the central question guiding the festival: "What does it mean to encounter something greater than yourself and to be consumed by it?" Through this theme, we explore how a community reemerges and imagines itself after destruction and transformation.

With the support of the Markham-Nathan Fund, we are excited to create an event that complicates perspectives and fosters meaningful dialogue. We are grateful for this partnership and for the work of the Markham-Nathan Fund for Social Justice.

Thanks to the Mass Cultural Council for their vital support this year.We'd also like to thank the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts for their support in the form of a Flexible Funding grant. We couldn't do this work without you!